[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Fwd: Sign-up: iREFS Faculty Panel 'Perspectives of MIT Professors on Surviving Graduate School' (4/16, 12-1 pm)

Shangdi Yu shangdiy at mit.edu
Thu Apr 8 12:32:11 EDT 2021

> Hi everyone,
> TL;DR - iREFS Faculty Panel "Perspectives of MIT Professors on Surviving Graduate School" on 4/16, 12 - 1pm. Food reimbursement of up to $9 for first 50 sign-ups. RSVP here <https://forms.gle/jQpvh9arYm82u87c7>.
> Good afternoon! Hope you are staying safe and doing well. MIT iREFS <https://gsc.mit.edu/committees/hca/irefs/> are thrilled to invite you to the first panel discussion of the Spring semester, "Perspective of MIT Professors on Surviving Graduate School" on April 16th (Friday), 2021 at 12 PM. Join us for a panel discussion of life challenges during graduate school and how to survive them. Hear the experiences of seven MIT professors: Anna Mikusheva <https://stat.mit.edu/people/anna-mikusheva/> (Statistics and Data Science Center), Charlotte Brathwaite <https://mta.mit.edu/person/charlotte-brathwaite> (Music and Theater Arts), Charles E. Leiserson <https://www.csail.mit.edu/person/charles-e-leiserson> (High-Performance Computing, CSAIL), Daniel Jackson <http://people.csail.mit.edu/dnj/> (Human-Computer Interaction, CSAIL), David Karger <http://people.csail.mit.edu/karger/> (Human-Computer Interaction, CSAIL), Frédo Durand <http://people.csail.mit.edu/fredo/> (Synthetic Image Generation and Computational Photography, CSAIL), and Troy Van Voorhis <https://chemistry.mit.edu/profile/troy-van-voorhis/> (Computational Chemistry). We are waiting to hear from a few other professors and we'll update the panelists' list accordingly.
> If you are interested in attending the panel, please RSVP here <https://forms.gle/jQpvh9arYm82u87c7> ASAP. The first 50 to sign up will be reimbursed $9 for lunch (please note that MA sales tax will not be reimbursed). The detailed instructions for reimbursement will be sent to the participants after the event.
> You can also submit any questions you have anonymously here <https://forms.gle/yW9SNttgw1wwhh4G8> and we will share them with our panelists during the session. You can also ask questions to the panelists during the discussion through Zoom chat.
> We would love to see you at the panel discussion! Mark your calendars.
> Here is the zoom link for the event:
> https://mit.zoom.us/j/92960564931 <https://mit.zoom.us/j/92960564931>
> Please feel free to reach out to us at irefs-contact at mit.edu <mailto:irefs-contact at mit.edu> in case you have any questions or concerns.
> Best Regards,

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