[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] June Off-Campus Events [Includes an adventure with a Zombie]

GSC HCA Offcampus gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu
Tue Jun 2 10:17:52 EDT 2015

Hello Hello!

Summer time is here! We have a new off-campus co-chair, Patricia!!!, and
lots of events for you guys! A couple of meal events, an event to let you
work out your paddling muscles, and also an event where if you don't
succeed, you get eaten alive! (okay...that last part might be an
exaggeration. We don't actually have an event where you can get eaten
alive, but we do have an event where you can eat at Life Alive.)

Sign-up if you are interested...or curious!

If you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life
that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know.

If you have an event that you would like advertised to this list, use this

Your friendly off-campus co-chairs,
Jennifer and Patricia

1. *Life Alive* Early Dinner, Sat. June 6, 4:30pm-5:30pm
2. Brunch at *Area Four*, Sun. June 7th at 1pm
3. Trapped in a Room with a *Zombie*.... and Ice Cream!, Sat. June 13
4. *Kayaking* and Brunch, Sun. June 14 at 11am
5. *Moroccan* *Hospitality* Dinner, Sat. June 20, 6:30pm-7:30pm

1. *Life Alive* Early Dinner
When: Sat. June 6, 4:30pm-5:30pm
Where: 765 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
Contact: paxty at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=OCHJune2015
Description: So healthy. So delicious. How can you resist? We'll be eating
so early that you'll be able to fit in a second dinner, just like the

Off-campus Housing will cover $15 of each person's meal. Sign-up is for a
lottery for a spot. Only those selected will be notified.

2. Brunch at *Area Four*
When: Sun. June 7th at 1pm
Where: 500 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139
Contact: gsc-hca-offcampus at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=OCHJune2015
Description: Brunch at Area Four in Kendall square!

Off-campus housing will cover $15 towards the price of the meal (we cannot
cover alcoholic beverages). Sign-up is for a lottery for a spot. Only those
selected will be notified.

3. Trapped in a Room with a* Zombie*.... and Ice Cream!
When: Sat. June 13 12:30pm-2:30pm
Where: 628 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA 02143
Contact: paxty at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=OCHJune2015
Description: Have you ever dreamed of being trapped in a room with a
zombie? Here's your chance! Join 11 fellow off-campus residents in a
thrilling one-hour adventure where you use wits and teamwork to escape the
clutches of the undead. Then, you can get ice cream afterward.

Off-campus Housing covers $18 of the admission price. You will be
responsible for $12 to cover the remainder


4. *Kayaking* and Brunch
When: Sun. June 14 at 11am
Where: Charles River for Kayaking and Commonwealth for Brunch
Contact: gsc-hca-offcampus at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=OCHJune2015
Description: Enjoy the summer with some Kayaking in the Charles! We will
rent kayaks in Kendall square and paddle for an 1 hour or so. Afterwards,
we will brunch from Commonwealth.

Off-campus housing will cover the price of kayaking and $15 towards the
price of the meal. Sign-up is for a lottery for a spot. Only those selected
will be notified.

5. *Moroccan Hospitality* Dinner
When: Sat. June 20, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Where: 585 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA 02143
Contact: paxty at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=OCHJune2015
Description: Join us for some amazing Moroccan food! Check the menu out and
come ready to eat and be merry.

Off-campus Housing will cover $15 of each person's meal. Sign-up is for a
lottery for a spot. Only those selected will be notified.

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