[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Kevin Cedrone kcedrone at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 4 10:45:36 EDT 2012

Hi fellow off-campus students,

Kelsey and I have a few activities and announcements for you. If you have
any safety or community issues related to living off-campus, please feel
free to e-mail me or Kelsey so we can bring them to the GSC on your behalf.

If you have other summer activities for us to consider, send them our way.
Special thanks to David Jimenez-Gomez for doing the leg-work to organize
the kayaking/canoe trip in this e-mail.

*Events and announcements (more details at the bottom of email)*
1. HCA co-chair elections, July 12 (tentative)
2. Ashdown 4th of July BBQ (TODAY! July 4, Rain or Shine)
3. Ashdown Brunch on Sunday, 8 July 2012, 12pm
4. Off-campus Kayaking and Canoeing in Kendall Sq, Sat. July 14, 10am-12pm
5. Off-campus Candlepin Bowling in Davis Square, Tues, July 17, 7pm

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Your GSC off-campus reps,
Kevin and Kelsey

*1. HCA co-chair elections*

Nominations for HCA co-chairs are now open.  The process for
nominations/elections is the same as before:

1.  Nominate someone (or yourself) for the position: simply email Aalap and
myself to let us know (emails: gsc-vp at mit.edu and gsc-hca at mit.edu).

2. We will have elections as part of a special election’s meeting on July 12
th (tentative). Nominations will be open up to (and including the first
part of) the elections meeting.

3. The procedure in the elections meeting will be same as before:
candidates accept/decline position, give a short 5min description, followed
by committee questions, closed door discussion and voting.

If you are interested in the position, let Randi Cabezas know (
gsc-gca at mit.edu).

*2. Ashdown 4th of July BBQ*

Ashdown will be hosting their annual 4th of July BBQ in the Ashdown
Courtyard from 12:00 to 2:00 PM! Come celebrate the 4th of July with us and
enjoy some *free* tasty burgers, hotdogs, veggie burgers, fruit, drinks and
other snacks.

*But what if it rains?* No problem, come to the Hulsizer room instead and
still get some yummy food and great company!

*Ashdown 4th of July BBQ*
*Time:*       12:00 - 2:00 PM (Rain or Shine)
*Location:* Ashdown Courtyard, NW35 (If Rain: Hulsizer Room)
*Also, we are still looking for volunteers to help with the BBQ!*
*Jobs: *We need people to *grill, manage the food lines, cut fruit, help
setup, and help clean up*
*Signup: *If interested, please signup here:
We want to show our *appreciation* to our volunteers by letting them in the
*front of the food line* and giving them *free movie passes*.

This event is sponsered by the GSC Funding Board

*3. Ashdown Brunch*
WHAT: Ashdown Brunch
WHERE: Ashdown House Hulsizer Room
WHEN: Sunday, July 8th  noon – 1:30pm

Join us this coming Sunday to enjoy great food and fruits with your friends!
We will have yogurt, chocolate croissants, pancakes,sausages, eggs, home
fries, cheese and all kinds of fruits!

We will provide food in two batches, one batch at 12:00pm and another at
12:20pm. Please bring your own plates and utensils. You can help us to
reduce waste and you get an extra food item if you bring your own plate.

As always, we appreciate and need volunteers. If you would like to help us
with the brunch preparation, please contact us at ashdown-brunch at mit.edu .
If you volunteer twice you get a VIP-pass that allows you to skip the line
at one brunch.

*4. **Off-campus Kayaking and Canoe Trip in Kendall Square*
What: Off-campus will cover the 2 hours of boat rental. A limited number of
spouses, significant others and children are welcome with notice to Kevin (
kcedrone at mit.edu)
When: Saturday, 14 July 2012, 10am-12pm
Where: Paddle Boston, 500 Broad Canal Street, Cambridge
Why: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus issues,
plan more summer events.
RSVP: There are 2 steps to RSVP.
1. https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=july_kayaking

*5. **Off-Campus Candlepin Bowling in Davis Square*
What: Off-campus will cover the cost of lanes and shoes, food/drink is
available at the expense of the attendee. A limited number of spouses,
significant others, and children are welcome with notice to Kelsey (
kastoerz at mit.edu)
When: Tuesday, July 17th, 7:00pm
Where: Sacco's Bowl Haven, 45 Day St, Somerville, MA 02144
Why: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus issues,
plan more summer events.
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/1329506408

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