[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Kevin Cedrone kcedrone at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 10 00:06:06 EDT 2012

Dear fellow off-campus grad students,

We have a few events to tell you about. Also, we will reduce our activity
in September to avoid interfering with orientation events that the GSC and
departments are working hard to organize.

Let us know if you have any off-campus concerns about transportation,
community or safety. Also please send us your suggestions for outings,
activities or other ways to build community in any off-campus
neighbourhoods you may feel are neglected. Family friendly, kid-friendly,
extreme sports. We're up for anything!

Hope to see you at an event soon,

Kevin and Kelsey

PS: Tired of finding the signup list full? If you organize the event, you
are guaranteed a free spot.

*Events and Announcements*

1. Off-campus dinner at Koreana, Tues. Aug. 14, 6pm

2. GSC Housing and Community Affairs Meeting, Wed. Aug. 15, 6pm

3. Brunch at SidPac, Sat. Aug. 12, 12pm

4. Finding a Good Postdoc, Tues. Aug, 14, 3pm



*1. Off-campus dinner at **Koreana*

What: Off-campus will cover up to $15/person but not alcoholic drinks.

Spouses and significant others welcome with notice to Kevin
(kcedrone<kcedrone at mit.edu>
@ <kcedrone at mit.edu>mit.edu <kcedrone at mit.edu>).

Spouses/significant others will also be paid for.

When: Tuesday, August 14th, 6pm

Where: 158 Prospect Street  Cambridge, MA

Why: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus
community and safety issues, plan more summer events.

RSVP: http:// <http://signup.mit.edu/GSC_OC_Koreana>signup.mit.edu<http://signup.mit.edu/GSC_OC_Koreana>
/ <http://signup.mit.edu/GSC_OC_Koreana>GSC_OC_Koreana<http://signup.mit.edu/GSC_OC_Koreana>



*2. GSC Housing and Community Affairs Meeting*

Where: 50-220

When: Wed. Aug. 15, 6pm

RSVP for dinner: https://<https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>
signup.mit.edu <https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>:444/<https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>
signup.php <https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>?<https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>
id <https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>=1153014438<https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1153014438>

More info: http://
/committees/hca/ <http://gsc.mit.edu/committees/hca/>



*3. **SP** August Brunch*
Contact:        sp
<sp-brunch-chair at mit.edu>-brunch-chair@<sp-brunch-chair at mit.edu>
mit.edu <sp-brunch-chair at mit.edu>
Location:       SP MP room
Start:  08/12/2012 12:00 PM
End:    08/12/2012 1:00 PM
Description: Come down to the MP room for our August brunch, with delicious
free food and great company. Bring your own utensils and plates and help
keep SP green!



*4. Finding a Good Postdoc*
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Location: 26-100

Are you considering a career in academia? Are you seeking to diversify your
research skills before launching into an industry career? Perhaps you are
already a postdoc, and wish to maximize your experience or make a change.
This panel presentation will discuss various aspects of finding, selecting,
and having a good postdoc experience, and will include a question and
answer segment.

Panelists include:

Erika Bechtold, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT, Department of Biological
Kirill Korolev, Pappalardo Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT, Department of Physics
Andy Powers, Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow at Novartis Institutes for
BioMedical Research
Hazel Sive, Professor of Biology, Associate Dean, School of Science and
Member, Whitehead Institute
One more panelist is currently being confirmed

Registration preferred (no fee)


GSC Academics, Research, and Careers, GSC Activities
MIT Global Education & Career Development
Office of the Vice President for Research & Associate Provost
Office of the Dean for Graduate Education

Refreshments will be served

For more information, contact:
GSC ARC: gsc-arc@ <gsc-arc at mit.edu>mit.edu <gsc-arc at mit.edu>

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