[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] This week's off-campus events

Alex Levin levin at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 18 13:27:49 EDT 2012

Fellow off-campus residents,

This week, there are a few fun events on the schedule, including pool, a 
brunch, and a flavor tripping party.  We hope to see many of you at 
these events!

Also, as our term as off-campus chairs comes to a close, we are 
recruiting MIT students for this position.  Organizing off-campus events 
is lots of fun and is a great way of getting involved with the GSC and 
the student community.  The position also gives you lots of flexibility, 
and the opportunity to use your creativity to really define the role.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, just drop us a 
line at gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu.


Alex & Kevin
Off-campus chairs

Events sponsored by the off-campus party fund:
1. Brunch for MIT women (April 22)
2. Miracle fruit potluck (April 22)

Other events:
3. Pool at Flat Top Johnny's in Kendall Square (April 19)
4. Egyptian cultural night at SP (May 2)


1. Brunch for MIT women
When: Sunday, April 22, 12:30PM
Where: Central Square (exact address sent to guests who RSVP)
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=936988203

Description: This brunch is open to any woman who would like to foster a 
diverse and engaged community outside the walls of MIT.  The event is a 
lighthearted forum to address issues each of us tends to struggle with 
during the week.  Members of the group include young stay at home moms, 
PhD students, professionals, women who have been in their fields for 
over 35 years, and everything in between. The diversity of the group 
helps foster camaraderie through shared experience.  Plus, there is 
always good food and mimosas!

2. Miracle fruit potluck

When: Sunday, April 22, at 6pm
Where: Central Square/Cambridgeport (exact address sent to those who RSVP)
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=826224502

Description:Miracle Fruit 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synsepalum_dulcificum> is a plant with a 
berry that, when eaten, causes sour foods subsequently consumed to taste 
sweet.  See the effects of the berry yourself on a flavor trip!  Bring a 
food you want to try to share.

Contact: aimeeg at mit.edu <mailto:aimeeg at mit.edu>


3. Pool at Flat Top Johnny's in Kendall Square
Where: 1 Kendall Sq Cambridge, MA
When: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 7pm
What: GSC will pay for tables and appetizers. (no alcohol)
Signup: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=GSC_OC_April_Events 

Event Title:Egyptian Cultural Night
Contact:sp-vp-reslife at mit.edu <mailto:sp-vp-reslife at mit.edu>
Sponsor(s):GSC Funding Board, Egyptian Student Association, SP
Location:Sidney Pacific MP room
Start:05/02/2012 9:00 PM
End:05/02/2012 10:30 PM

Come learn about different aspects of the Egyptian culture in this 
cultural night
co-organized between SP and ESA.
There will be delicious authentic Egyptian food and Egyptian performances.
  Don't miss out!!

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