[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Kevin Cedrone kcedrone at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 4 23:42:32 EDT 2012

Dear Off-Campus Residents,

Alex and I are nearing the end of our term as off-campus committee
co-chairs. We encourage you to get involved in the GSC, in particular the
GSC Housing and Community Affairs Committee, of which the Off-Campus
Subcommittee is a component.

This crop of events is distributed through Cambridge and Boston a little.
If there is an area, restaurant or event you want to attend, let us know.

The GSC Off-Campus Party Fund is looking for parties to sponsor. Plan a
party, invite some off-campus students (as many or as few as you want) and
let us help pay for it!

Finally, as always, please let us know if you have any safety, community,
social or other issues at MIT. Even if they are not related to living
off-campus, we are one of your links to the GSC.

1. GSC HCA Meeting (April 18)
2. Dinner at Border Cafe in Harvard Square (April 9)
3. Off-campus Coffee Hour (April 12)
4. Brunch at Sweet Caroline's in Kenmore Square (April 14)
5. Pool at Flat Top Johnny's in Kendall Square  (April 19)

6. Edgerton Webmaster and IT Chair
7. SidPac Officer Recruitment Info Session

See you at an event!
Alex and Kevin

*Off-Campus Events:*
1. GSC HCA Meeting
Where: 50-220
When: Wednesday, 18 April 2012, 6pm
What: free dinner, new HCA elections
Signup: TBA - just for food head-count

2. Dinner at Border Cafe in Harvard Square
Where: 32 Church Street, Cambridge, MA
When: Monday, 9 April 2012, 5:50pm
What: GSC subsidized dinner up to $15/person (no alcohol)
Signup: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=GSC_OC_April_Events

3. Off-campus Coffee Hour
Where: TBD (At Flour or W20 Coffee House)
When: Thursday, 12 April 12, 8am-10am
What: Free coffee and breakfast pastries
Signup:  https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=GSC_OC_April_Events

4. Brunch at Sweet Caroline's in Kenmore Square
Where: 1260 Boylston Street  Boston, MA
When: Saturday, 14 April 2012, 11:00am
What: GSC subsidized brunch up to $15/person (no alcohol)

5. Pool at Flat Top Johnny's in Kendall Square
Where: 1 Kendall Sq  Cambridge, MA
When: Thursday, 19 April 2012, 7pm
What: GSC will pay for tables and appetizers. (no alcohol)
Signup: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=GSC_OC_April_Events


6. Edgerton Webmaster and IT Chair
7. SidPac Officer Recruitment Info Session

6. Edgerton Webmaster and IT Chair
Announcement Title:  Edgerton Webmaster and IT chair recruitment
Contact:  palas at mit.edu


Edgerton is recruiting a new webmaster and IT chair for the fall
2012/spring 2013.  This is your opportunity to join the Edgerton
community (you don't need to be a current resident)!

By taking one of these positions, you:

A) Help make decisions about what goes on in Edgerton
B) Are guaranteed a spot within Edgerton for next year (you don't have
to worry about losing the housing lottery)

Both positions require that you attend monthly meetings with the other
board members (which include free dinner!) and fulfill the
duties of the position:

-The webmaster maintains the eh.mit.edu website, posts relevant
announcements for upcoming events, and ensures that the web server
stays up and running.  They also are in charge of the Edgerton list
serves which consists of adding new resident, deleting residents as
the move out, and moderating posts from unapproved sources.

-The IT Chair manages the computers/printers near the large lounge,
and the reservation system used by the front desk (written in php).

7. SidPac Officer Recruitment Info Session
Announcement Title: Apply to become an SP officer
Contact:        sp-vp-info at mit.edu

You don't need to be a Superman to become an SP
In fact, you
don't even need to be a current SP resident. Run for a Committee Chair
position at Sidney-Pacific, and ...

   * Gain leadership experience
   * Get guaranteed SP housing for 2012-13
   * Get priority on room selection

Open to the entire MIT graduate community. Come to an info coffee hour
on 4/4. Apply at http://s-p.mit.edu/apply. Applications open on March
21 and close on April 11.

Event Title: SP Officer Recruitment Coffee Hour
Contact:        spec at mit.edu
Location:       Sidney Pacific MP Room
Time:   04/04/2012 9-10 PM
Description: Thinking about becoming an SP
officer<http://s-p.mit.edu/about_sp/officer_positions.php> next
year? Come
meet this year's officers at this special coffee hour and learn about
the different positions.

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