[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Events

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Thu May 6 13:59:39 EDT 2010

Hi Off-Campus Grads,

The end of term is nearing and the weather is getting nicer, this means 
more outdoor activities are on their way. The next off-campus event will 
be held this weekend, a brunch at Hei La Moon. Many of the on-campus 
dorms are also holding events that you are welcome to attend.

~Jeff Chambers
Off-Campus Chair

1. Off-Campus Dim Sum Brunch - May 9 (RSVP)
2. Taste of the Northwest - May 7
3. Tang end of semester BBQ - May 9
4. Eastgate Spring BBQ - May 9
5. Leadership Evolution for Graduate Students - May 11
6. Eastgate and MIT families visit the Drumlin Farm - May 16
7. SLAB: Sidewalk Laboratory - May 10 - June 30

Event Details:
1. Off-Campus Dim Sum Brunch at Hei La Moon in Boston
Sunday 5/9, 10AM
Bring $5 cash per person

Come join other off-campus grads for a partially subsidized brunch. This 
brunch will be held and Hei La Moon. Please RSVP to sjg[at]mit[dot]edu, 
spaces are limited.

2. Taste of the Northwest (TOTNW)
Friday, May 07, 2010
Time: 7:00p–10:00p
Location: NW10, NW30, NW35, NW86

Journey through MIT's northwest campus in a gastronomic adventure that 
is sure to satisfy! The evening begins with delicious appetizers at 
Edgerton House and The Warehouse (7-8pm). Next, Ashdown House will host 
a fabulous dinner and drinks will be available through the Thirsty Ear 
Pub (8-9pm). Finally, you will enjoy delectable desserts and wine at 
Sydney Pacific (9-10pm).

Open to: MIT-only

Sponsor(s): Ashdown House, Graduate Student Life Grants, Grad Rat 
Committee, Housing
For more information, contact: Ashdown House Executive Committee 
ahec at mit.edu

3. Tang end of semester BBQ
Time: 12:00p–2:00p, May 9, 2010

Location: Tang Lawn

BBQ at Tang lawn at the end of semester. Grilled burgers, drinks, 
ice-creams and summer fruits will be served. We will also provide 
frisbees, footballs, volleyballs etc for people to play. Come and join 
us for this great BBQ and mingle with your fellow tang residents!

4. We will be grilling and chilling at 12:30 pm this Sunday, May 9th 
(changed from Saturday due to expected thunderstorms) at the annual 
Eastgate Spring BBQ on the Eastgate front lawn. All MIT affiliated folk 
are invited to join us. We are also looking few a few good souls to help 
out with setting up (10:30am-12:30pm), grilling (for some of the time 
between 12:30-3:30pm) and cleaning up (3:30 -5:00pm). If you can help 
out shoot us an email at eastgate-social @ mit dot edu...

5. What: Leadership Evolution for Graduate Students - Communicate to 
When: May 11 (Tues) 12-1:30pm
Where: W20-407

This session will provide valuable skills that you can use to motivate 
the members of your organization. We will discuss intentional approaches 
to constructing group buy-in and cohesiveness, drawing on positive and 
negative examples of group experiences from this past year. We will talk 
about preparing for meetings, roles individuals play within a group, and 
the art of asking questions to generate inclusive processes. Contact 
Paul Spangle with questions at pspangle at mit.edu.

6. Eastgate and MIT families visit the Drumlin Farm! (open to all MIT 
graduate families)
WHEN: Sunday, May 16th 9:30am
VISIT: http://eastgate.mit.edu, to sign up and for more information

This will be a very fun trip for children and families!

"Enjoy a change of pace at Drumlin Farm, where you and your family can 
explore a real working farm and a wildlife sanctuary all in one day. 
There is so much to do at Drumlin Farm. Kids of all ages love visiting 
the animals on our farmyard, trying on their green thumbs in our 
learning garden, and riding on our hay wagon."


This event is sponsored by the Eastgate Community Association and the 
GSC, and
is open to all graduate families on campus. For more info, email 
eastgate-pc at MIT.EDU

7. SLAB: Sidewalk Laboratory
Street Space, Social Construction, Space, Saigon

A celebration of the most mundane of public spaces, these photographs 
document the symbolic sidewalk vocabulary and some of the 250 street 
vendors that the SLAB team interviewed in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam in 
January 2010.

Exhibition - from 5/10 to 6/30
Reception - 5/10 at 12 pm

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