[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Events + Off-Campus Meeting 4/13

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 7 15:32:31 EDT 2010

Hi Off-Campus Grads,

There has been a change of date for the Off-Campus meeting. The meeting 
will now be Tuesday (April 13) at 6pm in the GSC Office (50-220). The 
first ever Off-Campus Housing Fair is also coming up next week, so make 
sure to check it out.

~Jeff Chambers
Off-Campus Chair

1. GSC GCM Elections - Tonight
2. Off-Campus Meeting - Apr 13
3. Off-Campus Housing Fair - Apr 15
4. Grad Gala - Last Day to buy Tix TODAY
5. The Iron Chef Competition - Apr 11 (must sign up by Apr 8 to compete)
6. Tom Chapin Family Concert at MIT - May 1

Event Details:
1. The April General Council Meeting and Officers ELECTIONS of the GSC 
will take place on Wednesday, April 7 in 32-155.  Dinner will be served 
at 5pm and the meeting will begin at 5:30pm. (for more information, 
please visit gsc.mit.edu). Members of the Community are welcomed.

2. Off-Campus Meeting
Tuesday, April 13, 6-7pm
GSC Office (50-220)

Come help decide the remaining events for the term, voice your concerns 
on issues about off-campus life, or just come to meet fellow grads 
living off-campus. Free dinner will be provided, so please RSVP to 
jtc at mit.edu so that I can ensure plenty of food. We are also in the 
process of finding a new Chair for the subcommittee, so if you are 
interested, this meeting would be a great chance to learn more.

3. Off-Campus Housing Fair
April 15, 11am-2pm
Student Street, Stata Center (along the first floor hallway)

Do you live off-campus? Have friends thinking of moving off-campus? Well 
this is an event you won't want to miss. We've gathered representatives 
from all aspects of off-campus living to help inform you of items such 
as tenants rights, safety issues, local school districts (for those with 
children) and many others. There will be tables setup with information 
for you to take and representatives to talk and ask questions.

The participants include: MIT EH&S, Charles River Transportation and the 
MBTA, MIT Parking & Transportation, Cambridge DPW, Center for 
Work/Family, Spouses & Partners, Cambridge Fire, Boston and Cambridge 
Police, Cambridge Consumers Council, Cambridge School Department, Green 
Ambassadors Program, Furniture Exchange, Boston Rental Housing Resource 
Center, and Graduate Housing.

4. Grad Gala - Last chance to get tickets
Ticket sales for the best Grad Gala yet, an evening filled with dancing, 
dining and drinking, perhaps the only evening this year where 700 people 
will forget they are grad students, are ending at 11:59pm tonight (Wed, 
April 7th)
Get them while you still can at: https://gsc.mit.edu/gradgala/register.php

5. The Iron Chef Competition
Edgerton Large Lounge on April 11
REMINDER: Declaration of teams ends THIS THURSDAY, April 8.

The event is super fun, low stress, and a great way to show off your 
talents!  Last year we had eighteen teams participating for three 
glorious gift certificate prizes up to $50 .. and this year, YOU could 
be part of one of the teams competing for cooking glory!

This event is sponsored by Edgerton House and the GSC Funding Board. For 
rules and further information, please email eha-social at mit.edu

6. Tom Chapin Family Concert at MIT (May 1)

Come see Grammy Winning Musician TOM CHAPIN & his band Perform a Concert 
for All Ages
Refreshments & Autographs to follow

When: 3 pm, Saturday, May 1
Where: MIT 10-250
Free for the MIT Community!
Questions: familyconcert at mit.edu (Nancy Bush, event organizer and 
Eastgate resident)

Hear songs about life! Songs about science! Songs that celebrate our 

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