[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Interested in moving back on campus?

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 2 14:13:13 EDT 2008

Off-campus Grads,
If you are interested in moving back on campus, keep reading, otherwise you
can delete this now. Edgerton House, S-P, and Ashdown have forwarded me
information regarding their student governments. If you are interested, this
is a sure way of getting a room in the dorm of your choice.

1) Edgerton
2) S-P
3) Ashdown

1) The Edgerton House Association is looking for motivated candidates to
apply for the position of social chair. The officer term is one year (Mar
'08 to Mar '09). As an Edgerton House officer, you will get guaranteed
housing in Edgerton for the academic year 2008-09. Officers also get
priority points to help them choose a room.  You will be working with a
newly elected house committee that is fun and lively; we have some great
ideas in store and are looking forward to a terrific year.

There are currently two social chair positions open.  The chairs will be
jointly responsible for organizing orientation activities for incoming
first-years (August and September) and social events for the Edgerton
community (once per month). For a complete description of the
responsibilities, please see the Edgerton By-laws at
http://eh.mit.edu/about/eha/bylaws.doc. Note that the responsibilities of
these positions are listed under both the "Social Chair" position and "First
Year Rep" position in the By-laws.

To apply, send an email to Kathy (eha-president at mit.edu) before March 24.
(if you want, you can embellish your application with a short personal
statement, explaining why you would like to join the Edgerton Officer
Board). The current officer board will be running interviews of candidates
sometime after March 24. The new social chairs will be elected by voting of
the current officer board at the end of this month.

We look forward to hearing from you!
Edgerton House Association

2) Sidney Pacific is now recruiting officers for the term 2008-2009.
Could you please help us forward the information to your residents?
Thanks a lot !!
Sidney Pacific Publicity Chair


Here is the basic information:
What: Application for Committee Chair Position at Sidney Pacific
When: Open till 4/4
Where: Go to http://s-p.mit.edu
Who: All graduate students
Questions: spec at mit.edu

- Get involved! Become an SP Officer !
- Get guaranteed SP housing spot 2008- 2009!
- Get reserved bike and parking spots!

3) As you may know, the new ashdown (NW35) building will be open this August
with 540 beds, which is surrounded by Warehouse, S-P and Edgerton, and will
be making the Northwest the center of on-campus graduate community. There
has been great support from MIT administration to facilitate the student
life there in terms of transportation, dining and parking, etc. If you are
interested in moving there, please read through:

1. Currently, there are still 300 beds open. There will be two lotteries
before August:
Open to current Ashdown residents, Green residents and new ashdown officers
if you applied before April. 15;
Primarily 1st years, students from other dorms and students off campus. May
not enter if already have a fall term assignment.

2. That said, if you are students who currently have continuing status in
Tang, Edgerton, S-P on-campus dorm, you
- May apply to be an officer in NW35, if selected will be included in the
April lottery
- May cancel their assignment for the fall and take their chances in the May
lottery (compete with 1st years)

3. If you are interested in being an officer in NW35, here is the timeline
for April Lottery:
April 15  NW35 officer application deadline
April 16-23  "Internal" NW35 lottery open
More info: http://ashdown.mit.edu/
Apply contact: ahec-offcord at mit.edu
Useful Links:

Thank you.
Ashdown House Executive Committee

~Jeff Chambers

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