[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Dean Search Committee

Jeffrey T Chambers jtc at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 24 00:14:16 EDT 2007

Subject: Help select the next Dean for Student Life

Last Friday, the Dean for Student Life, Larry Benedict, announced his 
retirement from MIT.  The DSL is responsible for many aspects of campus 
life, including DAPER, Housing, and Dining. For more information on the 
Division of Student Life, please see http://web.mit.edu/dsl/

A search committee to identify a new Dean is being formed, and the GSC 
has been asked to provide a graduate student to serve on this group.  We 
are currently soliciting applications to fill that slot (the expected 
time commitment is until Spring 2008).

If you are interested, please submit a written statement of interest 
(less than 1 page), along with your name, department, current year of 
graduate study and contact info to the GSC Vice-President 
(gsc-vice-president at mit.edu) by 11:59 pm this Friday, Oct. 26.

Please direct any questions to the GSC Officers (gsc-officers at mit.edu).
The GSC Officers

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