[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] HCA Meeting: September 23rd, 9-10am

Denise Tellbach tellbach at mit.edu
Thu Sep 16 22:28:49 EDT 2021

Hello everyone!

It's time for our monthly meeting again - happening Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, from 9-10am. The link for the meeting is:  https://mit.zoom.us/j/96888385017

  *   Agenda for the upcoming meeting can be found here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V7kZZAgZekLSJT36-TkS9bluTqm-pv4uKaTZ_nnoZWY/edit?usp=sharing>.
  *    Every dorm should make sure that you send at least one representative to the HCA meeting. If none of your representatives is able to make it, please let us know before the meeting.

  *   As usual we will reimburse up to $15 per person for food. The RFP guide is attached. Use the following line to name the RFP:
8.1A HCAComMtg 9-23 "+ your initials"
  *   Please address the RFP to Laura McLean.

Instead of filling in a google form (as before), you have to now log your RFP details here<https://mitgscapp.knack.com/funding#report-purchases/>.
GSC has recently transitioned to a new budget tracker on Knack. To fill the form, you will need your RFP number and the BID number for the meeting.
BID Number = 139.
Please refer to this guide<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V00wFaKiQtLHEaEFdqOMiGMeQ8pVEYQyoOJau5q__V4/edit> for the new tracker. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me!

  *   Finally, the finance assistant for the MIT GSC Office, wanted me to inform you that reimbursements require itemized original receipts. A credit card receipt is not considered an itemized original receipt. Itemized Original Receipt or RFP documentation needs to show:

     *   vendor
     *   vendor address or store #
     *   date/ time of purchase
     *   items purchased with unit price
     *   + payment/transaction information
     *   MIT is exempt from sales tax in most states, including Massachusetts, and will not reimburse you for sales tax
     *   receipt has to indicate cash, debit or credit card payment

Thanks and sorry for the long email,

Denise Tellbach | Ph.D. Candidate
Auto-ID Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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