[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Fwd: GSC invitation to 11.S941 Understanding MIT ~ Tue 4-6p ~ 9-450A ~ Fall 2017 (starts 9/12)

Nicholas Triantafillou gsc-hca at mit.edu
Mon Sep 18 13:40:42 EDT 2017

Hi all,

This class looks like an awesome opportunity to learn more about how MIT
works. It seems like it should be really interesting and helpful for
advocacy efforts!


Nicholas Triantafillou
Co-chair for Housing and Community Affairs '17-'18
MIT Graduate Student Council

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joost Bonsen <jpbonsen at mit.edu>
Date: Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 6:06 PM
Subject: GSC invitation to 11.S941 Understanding MIT ~ Tue 4-6p ~ 9-450A ~
Fall 2017 (starts 9/12)
To: gsc-excomm at mit.edu

Dear current GSC leaders,

I'm writing now to encourage each of you to consider taking -- or
recommending to others that they participate in -- our Understanding MIT
seminar -- http://understandingmit.org -- where every week we take on a
different office or function or theme about MIT, usually with a guest
speaker.  Our calendar of speakers already confirmed includes...

Past Faculty Chairman, Professor Stephen Graves
Institutional Research Director Lydia Snover
Corporation Chairman Bob Millard
Admissions Dean Stu Schmill
VP Finance Glen Shor & Allen Marcum
Deputy Exec VP Tony Sharon
Student Life VP & Dean Suzy Nelson & Staff
Exec VP & Treasurer Israel Ruiz
Alum Association President Hyun-A Park & CEO Whitney Espich
Cambridge City Councillor Nadeem Mazen (Tentative)
SA+P Dean Hashim Sarkis

A couple of you already -- and many of your predecessors as well -- have
joined us in the past and some have found it useful in dealing with various
aspects of the Institute -- people, personalities, offices, history, etc.
More details appended below and online.

If interested, please join us every Tuesday afternoon-evening from 4-6p
starting next week 9/12/2017 in 9-450A.   And please do tell friends and
colleagues -- including certainly GSC Reps as well as up-and-coming grad
student leaders -- if you think they'd both enjoy and add to the

Thank you.


Joost Bonsen
Lecturer, Program in Media Arts & Sciences
MIT Media Lab, E15-389
jpbonsen at alum.mit.edu

My Fall 2017 MIT Activities ...
* Development Ventures ~ http://developmentventures.org ~ Emerging Market
* Revolutionary Ventures ~ http://revolutionaryventures.org ~
Transformative Technologies
* Future Law (H1) ~ http://mitfuturelaw.org/ ~ Reimagining Legal Services &
Laws for New Tech
* Future Commerce (H2) ~ http://mitfuturecommerce.org ~ Reimagining Money &
* Understanding MIT ~ http://understandingmit.org ~ On our Innovation
* Independent Studies & UROPs ~ On Invention, Entrepreneurship, VCPE, etc


11.S941 Understanding MIT ~ Tue 4-6p ~ 9-450A ~ Fall 2017

* Seminar Announcement *

11.S941 Understanding MIT ~ Research Universities; How They Work

A weekly seminar on Campus & Community Leadership & Institutional Planning
with MIT as our live case study.

Fall 2017 ~ Tuesdays ~ 4-6pm
Room 9-450A
Instructors ~ Bob Simha / MIT Planning Director Emeritus, Lecturer, DUSP &
Joost Bonsen / Lecturer, MAS
Contact ~ simha at mit.edu, jpbonsen at alum.mit.edu
6 Units

http://UnderstandingMIT.org (Stellar page)

First Class --> We start Tue Sept 12th 2017 in 9-450A at 4pm. If
interested, please join us for this intro and overview kickoff class

MIT staff, post-docs, alum, and visitors welcome on a space-available basis.

Understanding MIT is a special seminar on the challenges of designing &
building research university campuses and crafting conditions for a
supportive & vibrant learning community. We invite the senior academic,
administrative, and trustee leadership of MIT to share with us what they do
to help the Institute stay vital in the short, medium, and long term. Our
focus includes not only on-campus and local town-gown relations, but also
connections with our many increasingly global Institute constituencies,
collaborators, and competitors.

Every Tuesday from 4-6pm we have a different MIT senior officer or key
academic or governance leader as guest speaker.

Confirmed speakers include:   Corporation Chair Millard, Faculty Chair
Emeritus Graves, EVP&T Ruiz, SA+P Dean Sarkis, other Deans of Student Life,
Admissions, as well as the key staff who collect & analyze the raw data
about MIT's finances, demographics, and impact.  Plus Cambridge City
Councilor.  Full working schedule with speaker links online Stellar under

The seminar will consist of a series of presentations by past and present
Academic, Administrative, and Alumni leaders who will share their own
experiences, describe their journey to senior academic and administrative
roles, and provide insights into running MIT. We will especially focus on
how priorities for institutional initiatives are determined; how the campus
is designed and planned; how the budgets emerge from a financial plan that
reflects endowment management, resource development, research income, a
competitive tuition, and student aid policies.

Past students attendees from our seminar include professional planners,
including SPURS/Humphrey Fellows, several former GSC & UA Presidents, VPs,
and other governmental Committee chairs and department Reps, as well as
leaders of multiple clubs including student initiatives in the areas of
international development, sustainability, entrepreneurship, new living
group development, and more. Many alums have gone on to further grad
studies or industry and several are now faculty at universities including
Masdar, Olin, Harvard, and MIT.

Each student will be expected to select a focused topic about MIT campus
development and prepare as term paper an article or issue-analysis suitable
for publication in the Graduate newsletter, The Tech, Technology Review or
the like.

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