[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Fwd: Graduate Housing Focus Groups - more people needed

Nicholas Triantafillou gsc-hca at mit.edu
Wed Sep 13 14:34:18 EDT 2017

Hi all,

Please consider signing up and pass this along to your constituencies. We
only have 24 people signed up so far. It's a great opportunity to shape the
future of MIT grad housing!


Please see the message below about participating in focus groups on
graduate housing, led by a market research firm employed by the Graduate
Housing Working Group.

* tl;dr - Sign up **here* <http://bit.ly/mitamsfocusgrp>* to participate in
a grad housing focus group on Sep. 14 between 4-7PM or Sep. 19 between


Before the start of term, Chancellor Barnhart established the Graduate
Housing Working Group, which is working to ensure that the Institute is
positioned to respond effectively to and evaluate complex topics associated
with graduate student housing needs. One way we are pursing this work is to
have Applied Marketing Science (AMS), a market research firm with MIT
roots, help us design a conjoint study to understand the demand for
different housing types across MIT market segments, and
the willingness-to-pay for those options. This is generally regarded as the
most rigorous technique for determining preferences for different
combinations of features. The next step in this work is to hold short focus
groups with graduate students who live in different residence halls and
off-campus, during which AMS will ask you a series of questions about your
living preferences. This will enable AMS to design a web-based study that
will be open to all MIT graduate students.

*These focus groups will be held on Thursday, September 14, between 4-7 PM
and Tuesday, September 19 between 1:30-3 PM.* *If you are interested in
participating, please visit **http://bit.ly/mitamsfocusgrp*
<http://bit.ly/mitamsfocusgrp> to answer a few questions, and we will
let you know which focus group time and room you were selected to attend.
Refreshments and beverages will be available for participants. Anyone who
is not selected for the focus groups or possible future testing sessions
will still get a chance to provide their input in the survey when it goes
out to all graduate students at the end of the month.
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