[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Candidates needed for Student Health Insurance Advisory Committee (SHIAC)

Nicholas Triantafillou gsc-hca at mit.edu
Sat Aug 12 15:41:30 EDT 2017

Hi all,

We're looking for candidates to sit on SHIAC. With health insurance rules
continuing to be a major focus point of US national politics, this
committee could have lots of opportunities to make decisions with a large
impact on the future of health insurance for the MIT student body.

Nominees will have an opportunity to speak with Dr. Stuopis, the MIT
Medical Director, who will choose one graduate student to sit on SHIAC.

The term lasts one year, with the option to renew for a second year if
you're really keen on health care. Meetings this year will begin in
October. More (although slightly out-of-date) information is available

If you're interested or know anyone who might be, let us know! We're hoping
to submit names within the next couple of days.

Best wishes,

Nicholas Triantafillou
Co-chair for Housing and Community Affairs '17-'18
MIT Graduate Student Council
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