[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] September Housing and Community Affairs (HCA) Meeting - Free food and new members!

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Fri Sep 11 19:57:26 EDT 2015

Hi Everyone,

         Hopefully orientation went well for everyone! (both organizers and
first years :)) We look forward to hearing all about it at our first HCA
meeting of the semester - next Monday (9/14) at 5:30PM at the GSC Office
(50-220) located in Walker Memorial Hall.
          There will be air condition (unlike downstairs), free Bertucci's,
and excellent company. We will be discussing a range of issues including
feedback from orientation, dorm affairs, mental health, campus safety,
family, sustainability, and more! The meeting should go to about 7PM, but
feel free to come and go at any time. An agenda for the meeting is attached.
          We look forward to having lots of new faces stop by, so current
HCA members are especially encouraged to attend to showcase the great
people that are in HCA.

Have a great weekend and see you soon!
George and Huma - HCA Chairs

PS - For the first years, don't worry - this will be the only email you get
from us (unless you decide to get involved!). Also, offcampus students have
been added to the offcampus mailing list, so look for that in your inbox
early October.
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