[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] GSC Open House and September HCA meeting

GSC-HCA gsc-hca at mit.edu
Wed Sep 2 01:21:16 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

        Two things. First, next Wednesday (9/9), there will be a GSC Open
House. This is a really good opportunity to recruit members into the
subcommittee! We (Huma and I) will also be there to recruit students to
join HCA and perhaps form new or revive old committees. You are welcome to
be there, and we will have a place for you if you have posters or
something. (Would appreciate an email just to confirm).

        Second thing is this month's HCA meeting. We will be having it on
9/14, after all of the orientation events are done. We're looking forward
to hearing about how orientation and the open house goes for everyone!

Best of luck with orientation week!

George and Huma - HCA Chairs

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: GSC President Michael McClellan <gsc-president at mit.edu>
Date: Wed, Aug 26, 2015, 6:54 PM
Subject: GSC Open House and Updates
To: officers <gsc-officers at mit.edu>

Dear GSC General Council and Friends of the GSC,

I hope you have had a great month of August! The GSC is getting ready to
welcome a group of brand-new graduate students to MIT with our Orientation.

While we don't have a GCM in September, I have a few updates to share with
you all that can't wait for our October GCM:

*GSC Open House*: Learn about ways to get involved with the GSC at our Open
House, Wednesday September 9, 6:00-8:00 PM in Morss Hall (Building 50). The
Muddy Charles Pub will provide refreshments!

*Special Election for GSC Vice-President*: We would like to thank Dan for
his service in the past few months as the GSC Vice-President, but he has
stepped down from that position. If you are interested in running for the
vacant position at the October GCM, learn more at
http://gsc.mit.edu/about-gsc/elections/special-election-information/. If
you have any questions, including about current responsibilities
traditionally handled by the VP, please contact the GSC Officers at
gsc-officers at mit.edu

*Search for the Vice President for Student Life*: It is important that the
GSC helps shape the form and content of the official search document and
job description for the new Vice President for Student Life (replacing the
current Dean-level position). Please provide any feedback you wish to give
to the GSC Officer Team, who will report suggestions to the Chancellor on
Monday, August 31. Feel free to share this link with student groups or
individuals who would like to provide feedback.

Only by working together can we make MIT better,

*Michael McClellan*
President, Graduate Student Council <http://gsc.mit.edu/>
PhD Candidate, Atmospheric Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

*email * gsc-president at mit.edu
*office  *MIT 50-220 / 54-1320
*phone* 617-324-2303
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