[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] HCA Cost of Living working meeting

GSC HCA Chair gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 17 14:28:42 EST 2014


Next Friday, January 24th, from 11am-2pm the HCA chairs will be holding a
meeting to work on the Cost of Living presentation.  We'd love to be able
to present to you what we have been working on and get your feedback on how
to improve it.  This is probably one of the single most important things
that HCA does every year, as it has a direct impact on stipend levels for
next year, so we'd love to get as much feedback as possible.  Feel free to
stop by even just for a short period (there's no expectation of staying for
the full 3 hours).  Food will be provided :)

This will replace our normal HCA meeting for the month, but we will return
to our normal meetings in February.

Andrea and Marzyeh
Gsc-hca-all mailing list
Gsc-hca-all at mit.edu

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