[Gsc-hca-family] Volunteers Needed for Orientation, Showcase at the GSC Open House, Blog on the OC Website

John Kendall Nowocin knowocin at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 13 22:58:23 EDT 2014

Committees and Subcommittees

Good evening and I hope all is well. The semester is approaching fast and that means Orientation is beginning. There are a couple of opportunities to help and showcase the exciting things that GSC has to offer.

Volunteers like yourself are needed to help with the smooth operation of various Orientation Events. Please sign-up yourself and friends via the links below.
PART 1: http://signup.mit.edu/207965035
PART 2: http://signup.mit.edu/1952841563
Some additional perks besides feeling good about yourself being apart of the ONE MIT Community is you will get an exclusive Orientation 2014 T-shirts free and tickets to some events!

GSC Open House
The GSC Open House is Wednesday September 3, 2014 from 6:00-8:00pm in Morss Hall (Building 50 Walker Memorial)<http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=50>. The event will allow y'all to showcase your GSC committee or subcommittee. Please fill out the Google Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1izIfayq9gpQTY22mVZfZqcOxFEE9UypqCI74o91CBQs/viewform?usp=send_form>, so your name badges are printed out and updates to logistics information can be sent out. The plan is to have Muddy serve drinks (red tickets handed out for those that talk to you) and have the small standup round tables to allow for mingling with students/potential new members.

Publicize on the GSC Orientation Website
Their is a new, shining, and fancy website (gsc.mit.edu/orient<http://gsc.scripts.mit.edu/activities/orientation/2014/>). It would be good to put a welcome blog blurb (200-400 words max.). Send them to gsc-oc at mit.edu and they will be uploaded. GWAMIT is a rockstar and already has theirs up.

Kendall Nowocin
GSC President
gsc-president at mit.edu
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