[Gsc-hca-family] GCM (Wed. August 6 2014 at 5:30pm in 35-225) Information

John Kendall Nowocin knowocin at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 6 10:28:42 EDT 2014

Council Reps, Institute Reps, and Sub-Committees

Good morning, and I hope everyones summer has been well so far? The August General Council Meeting is tonight in 35-225. Food will be served at 5:00pm and the meeting will start at 5:30pm. With continuing the theme of going green, the agenda, minutes, and other important documents are linked.

August Agenda<http://gsc.scripts.mit.edu/wptest/wp-content/uploads/2014-August-GCM-Agenda.pdf>
July Minutes<http://gsc.scripts.mit.edu/wptest/wp-content/uploads/2014-July-GCM-Minutes.pdf>
Ad-Hoc Governing Documents Committee Charge<http://gsc.scripts.mit.edu/wptest/wp-content/uploads/Governing-Documents-Committee-Charge-Amended_7_2_2014.pdf> -Amended for the voting of candidates to the committee

Orientation Webpage<http://gsc.scripts.mit.edu/activities/orientation/2014/> - New and Improved

Career Fair Webpage<http://career-fair.mit.edu/> - September 19, 2014
Please register as a graduate student

Council Reps, if you are not able to attend, make sure to submit a proxy<http://gsc.mit.edu/general-council/submit-a-proxy/>.

Kendall Nowocin
GSC President

PS- If you like or don't like the going green format please let me know your thoughts.
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