[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Help select HCA meeting times

GSC HCA Chair gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 25 13:58:47 EDT 2013

Hello HCA,

Marzyeh and I are trying to decide on our monthly meeting times for HCA.
 If you wouldn't mind, please  fill out this doodle

Note that these are going to be general times for the rest of the year, not
just specific to this month.

If none of them work, and you are interested in attending, please contact
us (gsc-hca-chair at mit.edu) separately and we'll work something out.

Andrea Dubin and Marzyeh Ghassemi (Your new HCA co-chairs)
Gsc-hca-all mailing list
Gsc-hca-all at mit.edu

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