[Gsc-hca-family] [Gsc-hca-all] Reminder: GSC HCA meeting (and cookies!) today, Wed. 11/11, 6pm

Wendy Lam (GSC HCA chair) gsc-hca at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 11 00:52:50 EST 2009

Dear HCA committee, dorm officers, and department reps,

Just a friendly reminder that the next GSC Housing and Community Affairs (
HCA) committee meeting will be held TODAY, Wednesday, November 11th at 6pm
in the GSC office (50-220).

For those of you who are interested in the dental plan, we'll be discussing
the results from the dental survey, as well as other interesting (i.e.
cheaper and more comprehensive) options we've found for dental insurance.
We also have a few dining and housing-related updates to discuss.

As always, dinner will be provided.  So if you have an hour to spare, drop
by the office, get fed, and help us out with our advocacy efforts.

Hope to see you there!
Wendy Lam and Matt Walker
GSC HCA Chairs

P.S. There will be cookies!  Made with plenty of chocolate and HCA love.
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