[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Newsletter

Kayla Roberta Storme kstorme at mit.edu
Fri Mar 24 13:15:52 EDT 2023

Hello and Happy Friday!

As we wrap up another week, here's a quick roundup of upcoming events and activities for GSC DEI!

1. Grad Food Resource Fair - April 10th, 10 AM - 12 PM

GSC DEI will be cohosting another grad food resource fair with the Food Security Action Team @ MIT on April 10th from 10 AM - 12 PM. We plan to have tables set up in North Corridor (outside) and Lobby 13 with lots of great resources like food maps, recipes, and more. GSC DEI will be distributing personal hygiene products and non-perishable food items throughout the fair, too.

We are looking for volunteers to help with setting up tables before the fair, staffing the GSC DEI tables during the fair, and helping clean up after the fair. Please add your name and availability to this sheet<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RUtySdA7Gh-3rQppVFf2hF3V8YXeL0zacS6z_SHQ5AA/edit?usp=sharing> if you are able to help!

2. Resources for Conference Recruiting

Are you interested in recruiting at identity-based conferences? Recruiting at these conferences is a crucial step for encouraging students who hold underrepresented and historically marginalized identities to apply to graduate programs at MIT and can be an enriching opportunity for the applicants and student body here. GSC DEI would like to compile a list of current sources of support (financial or other) and understand existing initiatives for conference recruiting across the institute. We are also interested in developing additional resources and a best practices guide for students who participate in (or are interested in) conference recruiting.

If you are interested in this, please fill out this when2meet<https://www.when2meet.com/?19333635-YKolp> by Wednesday, March 29th at 12 PM ET so we can schedule a time to discuss further.

3. Save the Date! Next GSC DEI General Meeting - April 3rd, 5 - 6 PM

The next GSC DEI General Meeting will be held on April 3rd from 5 - 6 PM in room 4-145 and over Zoom (https://mit.zoom.us/j/95579344008). We will send a calendar invite next week!

4. Open Positions

We are still looking for someone to serve as GSC DEI's Secretary! You may learn more about the position (as well as the other officer positions) here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZB3yN_Lrcduayik7vmI7mTyNGJnRKEre8IZGSVC7Gew/edit#heading=h.xckvxpmiwjmy>. If you are interested, please email gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> with a brief statement that includes the position you are interested in and what you hope to work on within that role/with the GSC DEI committee.


Do you have an idea for an event centered around community-building among students and DEI advocacy? Whether it's a supportive meet-and-greet, an informational panel, or anything creative in between, we would love to provide support! Please get in touch with us at gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu> to discuss your initiative and potential funding opportunities.

Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu> here<http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/gsc-diversity-all>.

For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu<mailto:gsc-diversity at mit.edu>.

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