[GSC-Diversity-All] GSC DEI Newsletter

Andrei Iliescu iliescu at mit.edu
Thu Dec 15 15:01:12 EST 2022

Hi everyone,

We hope the end of the semester is treating you well! Please enjoy our GSC
DEI Newsletter!

1. Open Positions within Different Committees

If you are interested in making an impact on MIT’s campus you should
consider applying to join one of the committees detailed below. Email GSC
VP (gsc-vp at mit.edu) to get involved.

1. Working group to "evaluate security at large campus events for students"
- 1 rep needed

The working group will have five to six meetings and will make
recommendations to Chancellor Nobles and Dean Nelson early in the spring
semester. The working group will review the working group charge,
deliverables, and timeline.

2. Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board - 1 rep needed

The Campus Activities Complex Advisory Board gives recommendations and
advice to the Director of the Campus Activities Complex.  The Board
provides feedback on policy and program development as well as suggestions
for new and improved services and amenities that the CAC could provide for
the community.  They will meet occasionally as needed.

3. Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Professional Development - 2-3 reps needed

The Ad Hoc Committee on Graduate Student Professional and Personal
Development will be charged with developing a set of graduate professional
and personal development requirements that all graduate students must
fulfill, constituting opportunities beyond the technical training and the
degree requirements of their disciplines.

2. Reframing the First-Generation Academic Experience

We wanted to highlight this recent MIT News article
in which GSC DEI Vice Chair of Student Life Omar Tantawi, as well as
several other members of our community, discuss the first generation
experience within the US higher education system.

3. Open Positions

We have open positions!


   Vice Chair of Department and Classroom Inclusion (VC - DCI)


   Several Constituency Representatives (C-Reps)

   Department Conduits

If interested, you may learn more about each position here
and apply here


Do you have an idea for an event centered around community-building among
students and DEI advocacy? Whether it’s a supportive meet-and-greet, an
informational panel, or anything creative in between, we would love to
provide support! Please get in touch with us at
gsc-diversity-officers at mit.edu to discuss your initiative and potential
funding opportunities.

Check out our Google Calendar that includes all of our events here
If you would like to submit an event to the calendar you can do so using
this form

Sign up to the DEI mailing list gsc-diversity-all at mit.edu here

For any general questions regarding DEI or how to get involved, please
contact us at gsc-diversity at mit.edu.
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