[GSC-Diversity-All] Schedule for tomorrow night

Elizabeth Clay eclay at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 31 20:33:23 EST 2007

Here is the schedule as we discussed if in the last few meetings-  
we'll have it printed out for us tomorrow. We'll be on campus  
tomorrow setting up from 4:30 or 5pm. Come help whenever you can! See  
you tomorrow- Liz and Nakeischea

Cultural Identity Event- Proposed Schedule

6-6:15: People arrive, get food, sit in 50-220

6:15-6:30: Introduction (1-2min. each)

             Irene to introduce event and Diversity Committee

             Abigail to introduce DP2P

             Nakeischea to describe event, set tone, share experience

             Liz to mention different groups and make disclaimer  
about categories

             Natalija to ask if people have questions, pass out index  

6:30-7:15: Small Group Discussions (45-60min)

People who identify as being from the following places or cultural/ 
ethnic backgrounds

1. African/Caribbean/African-American (Liz)

2. South and Central American, Mexican, “Latino”-American (Francis)

3. South Asia, South Asian-American (Abigail)

4. East Asia, Pacific-Island, South East Asian, Asian-American  

5. European, Caucasian-American (Alia)

6. Additional Groups (Nakeischea)

Back-up facilitator (Claudia)

People can drop off index cards in box with facilitator upon coming  
to table

Facilitator starts with rules of engagement: ROPE (Respect, Openness…)

Name Game Icebreaker (where did your name/nickname come from?)

1st questions: what made you decide to come? What would you like to  
talk about (if little response,     start looking through index cards)

Then go to cheat sheet of questions

As people talk, a piece of large paper in the middle for people to  
write key ideas

Last 5 minutes, discuss what to report back, choose volunteer

As people come back in- COOKIES and Hot Chocolate

7:15-8:00pm: Large group discussion (Facilitated by Francis)

Report Backs from each group for 4-5 min.

Open Discussion
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