[GSC-Diversity-All] Tomorrow! Cultural Identity Dinner and Discussion

Elizabeth Clay eclay at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 31 11:47:30 EST 2007

Hey planners- please send this back out to any groups you are  
contacting personally sometime today- we have about 40 RSVPs so far  
and people seem very excited! See you all tomorrow night! Liz

Dear Friends,

Please help spread the word!

Join the GSC Diversity Committee and the Diversity Peer-2-Peer program
for a delicious dinner and discussion on identity for  international and
US-born students. We will address stereotypes and  expectations  
between people
in "same" racial/cultural groups but born in different countries.

Dinner begins at 6pm
Location: 50-220 (2nd Floor of Walker Memorial)
When: THURSDAY, February 1st, 6-8pm
RSVP to: eclay at mit.edu
EVERYONE IS WELCOME- Please bring a friend or classmate with you!

We'll be talking about:
- How do we build understanding, tolerance and trust within and  across
cultural groups?

- How can we be more competent in our professional and social   
across cultures?

- How can we have a greater appreciation for multiculturalism  without
losing our identities?

- What does it mean to be a "person of color" or minority in  MIT if
that is not how I identify in my home country?

- Should we expect solidarity ("brotherhood" and "sisterhood")  between
people just because their ancestors are from the same place?

- What tensions or conflicts exist within our identity group?  How can
these differences be reconciled, particularly at MIT?

....And other questions brought by YOU!

There will be an Info table, so please bring flyers and posters of
upcoming events for the spring semester.

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