[galib] GAListGenome raise exception in C++ Builder

xm yang vchs62003 at yahoo.com.cn
Mon May 28 20:32:30 EDT 2007

There is a method in my class TMyGenome  derivd from  GAListGenome<AnsiString> as follows:

void __fastcall TMyGenome::SetGeneString(AnsiString value)
        value = value.Trim();
        int l = value.Length();
        if(l < FMinLength || l > FMaxLength)
                throw("Length of genome is too long!");
        AnsiString s;
        for(l = Length; l > 0; l--)
        while(value != "") 
                l = value.Pos(".");
                s = value.SubString(1, l - 1);
                this->insert(s);  /*add node*/
                value = value.SubString(l + 1, value.Length());

However,  when the number of  calling insert  is great than 1 a exception class EAccessViolation with message. Why about it and what can I do.

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