[galib] a question on GALIB

xm yang vchs62003 at yahoo.com.cn
Sat Jun 23 00:59:13 EDT 2007

I want to create a componet  TGAComponent used to publishing some events for running  GAOperators, such as Evaluator, Mutator. However, there are some type conversion errors are reported  in compiling progress when I don't use static in declaring functions in which event methods are called. when using static, the calling to component's methods are refused. 
can you help me!

the code are follows:

typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TGAInitializer)(GAGenome* AGenome);

static void  Initializer(GAGenome &AGenome);

TGAInitializer FOnGenomeInit;

__property TGAInitializer OnGenomeInit = { read=FOnGenomeInit, write=OnGenomeInit };

void  TCustomGEP::Initializer(GAGenome &AGenome)

//in constuctor of my component
FGenome->Initializer = &Initializer;

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