[galib] scheduling problem

Vieri Di Paola vieridipaola at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 3 13:11:29 EDT 2006


I would like to know if galib can help me find some
sensible solutions to the following scheduling

- there are 12 researchers,
- 8 jobs to cover (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Ext. Cons.,Ext. Q.,G,L)
daily (mandatory),
- 6 laboratories (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Ext. Cons.,Ext. Q.)
working 7 days a week (constantly).
- one researcher per job, daily. (thus at any given
day, 8 out of 12 are working)

Each researcher is assigned randomly to a lab and a
job, daily. 
Thus, every researcher will eventually have performed
all 8 jobs in all 6 labs (rotating staff).
Actually, staff rotation is mandatory.
Any researcher performing job G HAS to do job L the
next day. However, if job G is on a saturday then job
L will be both the next day (sunday) and monday.

And the list of restrictive conditions goes on...

Has anyone on this list dealt with this kind of
problem before?

I was thinking of using a 3D binary array to represent
the data where x=time(days of week),
y=researcher(name), z=job(type).

Suggestions/comments/links are greatly appreciated as
I am only now starting this project.

Best regards,


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