[galib] Best Genomes

Rui Tavares rmt at uninova.pt
Fri Nov 4 09:53:17 EST 2005

I've done that before, but it gives an error. My guess is that it only 
saves one "best" genome and when i try to access the second, it fails.

If there is a way to keep several "best" genomes ... i didn't found how ...?


    R. Santos Tavares.

Christian Samuel Perone wrote:

>Hello Rui, try calling something like this:
>when you call bestIndividual with no parameter,
>the default parameter assumes 0, that is the
>best, so you can call with parameter "1" to get
>the second best genome.
>Hope this help you.
>- Christian S. Perone
>--- Rui Tavares <rmt at uninova.pt> escreveu:
>>I'm having difficulties keeping/accessing the two
>>best genomes. I'ld 
>>like to access the present best and the previous
>>best genomes.
>>I've looked into GAStatistics, but only gives me the
>>(one) best genome.
>>Thanks in advance,
>>    R. Santos Tavares
>>galib mailing list
>>galib at mit.edu
>Christian S. Perone - christian_perone at yahoo.com.br
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>is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is
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