[galib] how to inital a population

LarryZhang larryzzl at sohu.com
Tue Jul 20 04:29:19 EDT 2004

Hello all
	I have some problem with initial the population. The thing is I want
to set the initial population manually. For example, I use the GaRealGenome
and I set the pop number to 4. And I have 3 variables to be optimized. But I
want the initial population is just like this:

40		60		2
35		63		3
42		59		2.5
37		55		1.5

Now I know I can use the
to initial the population manually. But I don't know how to write the
myInitializer. Can anybody give me some examples about this?

Maybe it will just like:
void myInitializer(GAGenome(//or GAPopulation, I don't know//) & p)

Thanks a lot.

Larry Zhang
ECNU Radiophysics Dept.
Sunny Every Day

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