Help with GA1DArrayAlleleGenome and Alleles Filiborion at
Tue Jan 21 14:22:40 EST 2003


>  I'm having some trouble (perhaps understanding) using the
> GA1DArrayAlleleGenome. I have instantiated a GAAlleleSet<long> alleles(0,
> 100); and passed that to the  GA1DArrayAlleleGenome constructor. I have an
> objective function that averages all of the gene values and returns the
> average. If I understand correctly, all of the gene values should be
> between
> 0 and 100. When the ga runs I should end up with a value of 100 for all
> genes in the top performer. When I look at the values of the genes, they
> are
> not between 0 and 100. Can someone shed some light on this for me? Any and
> all help will be much appreciated.

What are the values of the genes? Print more details of your code. 


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