Complete population
Bill White
bwhite at
Tue Feb 26 08:25:43 EST 2002
>B) In the method I was thinking of, I would need access to the
>population of a generation. Looking though the Galib manual, I find that
>there is no way to access the "current" GAPopulaiton object, I can only
>get a population of "best" individuals encountered so far. Is there a
>way to access the complete population for a particular generation?
I print the complete population with a function:
void PrintPopulationToFile(char* popFileName, GASimpleGA& ga,
GARealGenome& genome)
ofstream outfile;, (ios::out | ios::trunc));
for(int ii=0; ii<ga.population().size(); ii++) {
genome = ga.population().individual(ii);
outfile <<
"(" << genome.gene(0) <<
", " << genome.gene(1) <<
", " << genome.gene(2) <<
", " << genome.gene(3) <<
", " << genome.gene(4) <<
", " << genome.gene(5) <<
", " << genome.gene(6) <<
", " << genome.gene(7) <<
", " << genome.gene(8) <<
", " << genome.gene(9) <<
", " << genome.gene(10) <<
", " << genome.gene(11) <<
", " << genome.gene(12) <<
", " << genome.gene(13) <<
", " << genome.gene(14) <<
")\t" << genome.score() << "\n";
If I'm not mistaken, this function was lifted and midified from of one
of the examples that comes with GAlib. The examples are an invaluable
resource for "how do I do X?" in Galib.
Bill White
Systems Software Specialist II
Program in Human Genetics
Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
519 Light Hall
Vanderbilt University Medical School
Nashville, TN 37232-0700
Phone: 615-322-6496 Fax: 615-343-8619
Email: bwhite at
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