VC++ 6.0 Getting started

Wilson I D (DMath) idwilson at
Mon Dec 4 06:02:01 EST 2000

This note is intended to help those who use VC++ 6.0 to get started. 
First, download the (this one WILL compile and link using VC++).
I extracted the contents of this archive to a galib folder.
Now double click on the file ..\galib\projects\galib.dsw which will start
VC++ with the workspace galib.
Since the library project is active you can now click on the build button to
create the library file (galib.lib).
Adding the code:
       #if defined(_MSC_VER)
       #pragma warning (disable : 4244)
       #pragma warning (disable : 4305)
to the gaconfig.h file should prevent the warnings from appearing.
Now make the example project active and build it, which should compile and
link without any problems, and then run it.
Now, when you come to create your own projects, you can use the project
settings in the example as a basis.
Add the GADemo and TSPDemo projects and build them (making sure that you add
the galib.lib from the ..\galib\projects\library\debug folder to the project
and that you added the #include NO_STREAMS to the gaconfig.h file). 
Include the location of source and include files by adding their path in the
Options dialog that you can can find under the Tools menu.
Hopefully, this should help you get started, it is how I finally resolved
all the problems I had. I gave up on version 2.4.5 since it gave me no end
of trouble. I am not sure which revisions are included in the but
am just grateful I can get started using the library in some form.

Dr. Ian Wilson
Research Fellow
Division of Mathematics
University of Glamorgan
Work email idwilson at
01443 480480 ext 2268

Dr. I D Wilson
Research Fellow
School of Technology
Division of Mathematics

(01443) 480480 ext 2268

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