value initialization problem

Mineo Morohashi moro at
Sat Mar 6 04:00:57 EST 1999


I'd like to ask about GAlib.
What I'm trying is that I want to initialize the value of
GABin2DecGenome phenotype, not be supposed to initialize by any random 

For example, I'd like to initialize the phenotype value by following parameter
set as whole population.
How can I do so?

<Genome 1>
0.0117647 0.847059 -0.85098 0.25098 -0.290196 0.686275 0.509804
<Genome 2>
0.298039 0.47451 -0.211765 0.564706 -0.196078 0.592157 0.254902
<Genome 3>
0.501961 0.462745 -0.298039 0.654902 -0.180392 0.137255 0.937255
<Genome 4>
0.905882 0.313726 -0.0235294 0.694118 -0.431373 0.0313726 0.894118
<Genome 5>
0.788235 0.996078 -0.0431373 0.141176 -0.929412 0.0666667 0.494118
<Genome 6>
0.658824 0.87451 -0.0588235 0.592157 -0.976471 0.529412 0.898039
<Genome 7>
0.984314 0.988235 -0.121569 0.356863 -0.137255 0.2 0.831373
<Genome 8>
0.298039 0.478431 -0.941176 0.27451 -0.219608 0.588235 0.403922
<Genome 9>
0.847059 0.882353 -0.266667 0.564706 -0.278431 0.0666667 0.529412
<Genome 10>
1 0.988235 -0.215686 0.768627 -0.619608 0.678431 0.431373 

Thank you,
Mineo Morohashi	[moro at]
ERATO Kitano Symbiotic Systems Project
Systems Biology Group
TEL:+81-3-5468-1661, FAX:+81-3-5468-1664

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