[MIT Friends of the Arts] Boston Symphony Orchestra: Oct. 13

Borys Kadets bkadets at mit.edu
Tue Oct 9 22:12:51 EDT 2018

Hello everyone,

The next event for Friends of the Arts is a BSO performance this Saturday.

Stravinsky  Symphonies of Wind Instruments
Tchaikovsky  Serenade for strings
Bartok  Concerto for Orchestra

When: Saturday, October 13 at 8PM
Where: Symphony Hall
Dinner: pizza at 6:15pm (location TBA near building 2)
Cost: free (or $7 for college card -- see below)
Link: BSO <https://www.bso.org/Performance/Detail/96184>

This event is going to work a little differently. You need to:

   1. Buy a college card ($7 from CopyTech) if you don't already have a
   2018-19 one.
   2. Buy tickets online.
      -  Login to the BSO website with your account.
      - Click on the College Card banner for ticket availability for the
      upcoming week.
      - Scroll down to see the upcoming dates, and click the link for the
      performance you would like to receive a ticket for.
      - Click 'Select Your Seats' (or Best Available if on a mobile
      device), and select any seat. Add the ticket to your cart.
      - In your cart you will see the $0.00 price.
      - Checkout and choose the Print at Home option.
      - Click 'Select Your Seats' (or Best Available if on a mobile
      device), and select any seat. Add the ticket to your cart.
      - In your cart you will see the $0.00 price.
      - Checkout and choose the Print at Home option.
   3.  *Email me by Friday October 12 at noon* saying you've gotten a
   ticket and plan to come to the dinner. This is important because otherwise
   I won't know how much food to order.

Hope to see you there,
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