[E&E seminars] ESI News: FORWARD: MIT Global Habitat Longevity Award Nominations

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 27 13:02:40 EDT 2010

FROM:  Professor Maria T. Zuber

DATE:  April 15, 2010

SUBJECT:  MIT Global Habitat Longevity Award

Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences is pleased to announce the MIT Global Habitat Longevity Award.  Established through the generosity of alumnus Frederick Middleton '71, the award is intended to recognize research that enhances the scientific understanding underlying the long-term trends affecting the evolution of the Earth's environment and its habitat.

The award is open to any member of the MIT community-faculty, graduate or undergraduate student, or researcher-in any department, laboratory or center.  The criterion for selection will be a specific scientific work, evidenced by a publication, thesis, or class project, that has made an important contribution to the scientific understanding of trends, phenomena, principles, and/ or impact of natural or man-made phenomena on the long term evolution and health of the habitat and environment of the planet Earth.  The $38,000 award shall be given as research support, graduate student tuition and/or stipend, undergraduate research stipend, support to present the work at a scientific meeting, and/or support for other educational purposes.

Nominations should consist of a copy of the paper, thesis, or project and a cover letter that briefly (maximum 500 words) summarizes the importance of the work.  Nominations should be sent to:  Selection Committee, MIT Global Habitat Longevity Award, 54-918, MIT or e-mailed to Jacqui Taylor at jtaylor at mit.edu<mailto:jtaylor at mit.edu>. Questions can be directed to me at mtz at mit.edu<mailto:mtz at mit.edu>. The application deadline is Friday, May 21, 2010.


Maria T. Zuber


Maria T. Zuber

Head of the Department &

E.A. Griswold Professor of Geophysics

Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Cambridge, MA  02139-4307

Phone: (617) 253-0149

Fax: (617) 253-7651

e-mail: mtz at mit.edu<mailto:mtz at mit.edu>


Not all those who wander are lost.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien

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