[E&E seminars] ESI News: Web site back up @ new URL

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 17 14:50:05 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,


I hope you all had a great summer and have settled in to the new academic


The ESI web site is back up at its new URL (http://web.mit.edu/esi) and is
slowly being updated.  Please bookmark and use the new address, as there is
no redirect yet in place at the old URL.


Most notably, you will now find information on the ESI main page about the
upcoming symposium on climate engineering being co-sponsored by MITEI and
the Center for Global Change Science on Friday, October 30th, 2009:


Engineering a Cooler Earth:  Can We Do It?  Should We Try? 


A separate email announcement about the Symposium will follow shortly.







Kurt Sternlof

Executive Director

MIT Earth System Initiative


kurtster at mit.edu


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