[E&E seminars] Tomorrow: The MITEI Microbiology Seminar Series Begins!

Jameson Twomey jtwomey at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 16 11:07:40 EDT 2009

Beginning this year, the new MITEI-sponsored Microbiology Seminar  
Series will bring 9 speakers doing exciting fundamental and applied  
microbial research to the MIT community.  The study of microbes has  
been critical in our current understanding of basic biological  
processes, evolution, human disease, and the functions of the  
biosphere, and has contributed to numerous fields of engineering.  As  
great chemists, microbes have vast untapped potential for development  
of sustainable energy-generation technologies, and this series will  
showcase several examples of what microbes can do and how scientists  
are pushing the frontier in understanding and harnessing them.  
Speakers include those who have worked on biological hydrogen  
production, biofilms in microbial fuel cells - which are capable of  
generating electricity by feeding microbes with wastewater, bacterial  
nanowires, and more.  Several other speakers will focus on the roles  
of microbes in prevalent human diseases and, conversely, how they may  
augment human health. This seminar series is intended for anyone  
interested in the diverse and amazing abilities of microbes. Please  
join us tomorrow as the series kicks-off with our first speaker,  
Pamela Silver of Harvard University.

Designing Biological Systems for Programmed Interface with the  
Pamela A. Silver, Harvard University

Thursday, September 17th

11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

McGovern Auditorium, Whitehead Institute
Nine Cambridge Center (Kendall Square)
Cambridge, MA

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