[E&E seminars] April 30 - Meltdown: What You Need to Know and Do About Energy

Jameson Twomey jtwomey at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 28 19:04:51 EDT 2009

What You Need to Know and Do About Energy

A City Hall Forum
Moderated by Dr. Eric Lander
Co-chair of President Obama's Council of
Science & Technology Advisors

Come hear the country's leading energy experts explore key issues and  
then pose your questions to the panel.  Joining Dr. Lander will be MIT  
Energy Initiative Director Ernie Moniz, Harvard Professor Stephen  
Ansolabehere, Cambridge Energy Alliance Vice President Steve Morgan,  
and MIT Professors Ron Prinn and Jake Jacoby.

Thursday Evening, April 30th
Cambridge City Hall, City Council Chambers
7:00 - 9:00 PM
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