[E&E seminars] Announcement for Tue. 28 April-MIT-Portugal Green Islands Session at MITEI

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 24 11:40:22 EDT 2009

Meeting the Challenge of Local Sustainable Energy:
	MIT-Portugal's Azores Green Islands Project

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 -- 9-11am (Refreshments provided)
MIT Energy Initiative Conference Room - E19-319
50 Ames Street (Corner of Ames and Main St., Kendall Square)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA


In collaboration with the Azores, Portugal's mid-Atlantic archipelago,  
the MIT-Portugal Program is developing an integrated suite of research  
and demonstration projects aimed at identifying near-, medium- and  
long-term opportunities for reducing the Azores's energy and  
environmental footprint.  This includes high penetrations of  
renewables, smart grids, energy efficiency, sustainable buildings,  
electric transportation and related technologies, policies, systems  
and infrastructures.  Tuesday's session will highlight the novel  
scientific challenges of "local energy sustainability" including a  
snapshots of ongoing PhD research.

9:00a	David Marks, CEE
	- Engineering Systems and Sustainable Energy Infrastructures
		MIT Sustainable Energy Systems (SES) Focus Area Lead
9:10a	Paulo Ferrao
	- New Energy Systems Science for Local and Regional Energy  
		National Director, MPP and Portugal SES Focus Area Lead
9:30a	Antonio Cunha
	- MIT-Portugal and Designing Sustainable Energy Technologies
		Portugal Engineering Design and Advanced Engineering Focus Area Lead
9:50a	Stephen Connors
	- The Azores Green Islands Project - Transforming Local Energy Systems
		MIT Research Coordinator, SES Focus Area

	- Snapshots - Green Islands PhD Research -
10:10a	Bryan Palmintier, MIT-ESD
	- Designing Dynamic Systems for Balancing Electricity Supply and Demand
10:20a	Kiti Suomalainen, IST Lisbon
	- Renewable Resource Dynamics and Integration Challenges and Risks
10:30a	Rhonda Jordan, MIT-ESD
	- Real Options Applications to Geothermal and Energy Storage Expansion
10:40a	Patricia Baptista, IST Lisbon
	- Clean Vehicle Technology and Fleet Scenarios for São Miguel

10:50a	Discussion and wrap-up

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