[E&E seminars] Sustainable Development IAP seminar Tuesday at noon

MIT Technology and Policy Program tppsymp at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 25 23:21:11 EST 2007

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The Technology and Policy Program presents

Issues in Technology and Policy
IAP Seminar Series
All seminars meet in E51-149
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  Pathways to Sustainable Development: Co-optimizing Competitiveness, 
Employment and Environment 
Nicholas Ashford, Professor of Technology and Policy

Tuesday, Jan. 30th
Noon - 1:30 pm

Approaches for encouraging sustainable industrial transformations 
must be focused simultaneously on co-optimizing improvements in 
competitiveness, environment, and employment in an integrated manner. 
This seminar will address mechanisms to accomplish this including 
government regulation and private sector incentives that open the 
policy agenda beyond strictly environmental concerns.

Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
rrobins at mit.edu for further information


TPP IAP Seminar Series Schedule
(For seminar descriptions see http://student.mit.edu/iap/nstechpo.html

Tues. Jan. 9    Noon-1:30 pm
Assessing Implications of Emerging Technologies
Ken Oye, Professor of Political Science and Engineering Systems

Tues. Jan. 23    Noon-1:30 pm
Issues in Lean Enterprise Architecting and Transformation
Prof. Deborah Nightingale, Director, Lean Aerospace Initiative

Tues. Jan. 30     Noon-1:30 pm
Pathways to Sustainable Development:  Co-optimizing Competitiveness, 
Employment and Environment
Nicholas Ashford, Professor of Technology and Policy

All seminars meet in E51-149
Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
For further information contact Renee Robins, rrobins at mit.edu

Renee J. Robins
Director of Special Projects, Technology and Policy Program, MIT 
Engineering Systems Division
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E40-381
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-7662  (tel)        (617) 452-2599  (fax)     rrobins at mit.edu (email)


Renee J. Robins
Director of Special Projects, Technology and Policy Program, MIT 
Engineering Systems Division
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E40-381
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-7662  (tel)        (617) 452-2599  (fax)     rrobins at mit.edu (email)
http://tppserver.mit.edu (TPP web)     
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