[E&E seminars] Learn how to audit MIT building energy consumption

Elsa A Olivetti elsao at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 15 08:08:02 EST 2007

Do you think energy efficiency, conservation, and climate change are
important issues?  Did you know that nearly 40% of US energy consumption 
is through buildings?  How much do you use MIT buildings and utilities 

Come help us learn about our energy consumption at MIT by auditing our
buildings' energy consumption.  Department of Facilities staff Peter
Cooper, Ron Adams and Walt Henry will train students and others to
conduct lighting system and mechanical system audits in two sessions.  All 
are welcome!

Lighting systems
THIS Friday 2/16 - tomorrow
2:30-4:30 pm
NE49, 2nd floor

Mechanical systems
Friday 2/23
2:00-4:00 pm
NE49, 2nd floor

An MIT Generator student group will use these audits to begin building
an inventory of potential improvements to campus buildings and their
associated energy paybacks.

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