[E&E seminars] Energy Club Solar Discussion

Kristian Bodek kbodek at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 1 14:00:30 EDT 2007

Dear All,
This evening at 6pm the Energy Club will hold a discussion entitled
>  Silicon vs. Thin Film". Please find further details below, including
preparatory questions and readings.
Kristian Bodek
Vice President, MIT Energy Club <http://web.mit.edu/mit_energy/> 
MIT Energy Club Discussion:
"Solar: Silicon vs. Thin Film"
6:00-7:00pm, August 1, 2007
Muddy Charles Pub <http://web.mit.edu/muddy/location.html> , Walker
Memorial, 142 Memorial Drive 
Leader: Eerik Hantsoo
Key Questions
*	What is a (crystalline) silicon solar cell?
*	What is a thin-film solar cell, and what types of thin-film
cells are currently relevant?
*	What are the key differences between silicon and thin-film, in
terms of 
*	Nominal efficiency? 
*	Capacity to produce energy over the course of a year (annual
kWh/Watt installed)? 
*	Cost structure?
*	Manufacturing process?
*	Reliability?
*	Materials used?
*	What are some specific advantages of each technology?  
*	What technological challenges lie ahead for each technology?
*	Is the silicon shortage a major driver of thin films?  If so,
for how much longer?
*	Do thin-film manufacturers stand a chance against tried-and-true
technology (silicon) deployed by manufacturing giants (e.g., Sharp)?
*	Do balance-of-system costs actually outweigh the advantages of
thin-film PV?
Preparatory Readings/References
*	http://www.nrel.gov
<http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/39773.pdf>  - good technical overview
*	http://www.nrel.gov/pv/thin_film
<http://www.nrel.gov/pv/thin_film/docs/refocus06_f.pdf>  - good general
overview (pdf) 
*	http://www.technologyreview.com
<http://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/19095/page1/>  - article about
First Solar (pdf) 
*	http://www.photon-magazine.com
=worldwide&pub=4&parent=614>  - brief article about non-Si-constrained
production (pdf) 
*	http://www.nrel.gov/pv/thin_film
<http://www.nrel.gov/pv/thin_film/docs/035098_pvfaq_materials.pdf>   -
materials availability (pdf) 
*	http://www.nrel.gov
<http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy07osti/39165.pdf>  - perspective section (pp
9-11 of pdf) 
*	http://www.nrel.gov
<http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy06osti/40242.pdf>  (pp 65-73 of pdf, on
reliability) (pdf) 
*	http://www.nrel.gov/pv/thin_film
<http://www.nrel.gov/pv/thin_film/docs/bos_small.pdf>  - balance of
system costs (pdf)
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