[E&E seminars] NRC Chairman, Dr. Dale Klein, Monday 4/30 @ 3:15 PM in 6-120

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 24 09:45:19 EDT 2007

> Please note the new location and time for this seminar.  As well,  
> please be aware that there is construction in Building 6 which  
> requires going through Buildings 4 and 2 in order to access  
> Building 6 (the access from Building 8/the infinite corridor to  
> Building 6 is closed during construction).
> The MIT Section of the
> American Nuclear Society
> Presents:
> Dr. Dale Klein
> Chairman
> Nuclear Regulatory Commission
> Monday, April 30th 2007
> Seminar at 3:15 PM
> 6-120
> Status and Challenges of Licensing New Reactors in the US
> Speaker Bio:
> Dr. Dale Klein became Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission  
> in July 2006, after his nomination by President George W. Bush and  
> confirmation by the Senate.
> As Chairman, Dr. Klein is the principal executive officer of and  
> the official spokesman for the NRC. He is responsible for  
> conducting the administrative, organizational, long-range planning,  
> budgetary, and certain personnel functions of the agency. The  
> Chairman has ultimate authority for all NRC functions pertaining to  
> an emergency involving an NRC licensee.
> Before his appointment, Dr. Klein was the Assistant to the  
> Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological  
> Defense Programs. In this position, he served as the principal  
> staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense, Deputy  
> Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for  
> Acquisition and Technology for all policy and planning matters  
> related to nuclear weapons, and nuclear, chemical and biological  
> defense.
> Previously, Dr. Klein served as the Vice-Chancellor for Special  
> Engineering Programs at the University of Texas System and as a  
> professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Nuclear  
> Program) at the University of Texas at Austin. During his tenure at  
> the university, Dr. Klein was Director of the Nuclear Engineering  
> Teaching Laboratory; Deputy Director of the Center for Energy  
> Studies; and Associate Dean for Research and Administration in the  
> College of Engineering. During his tenure, Dr. Klein received more  
> than $50 million in research funding, equipment and educational  
> support. He was also an active member of several Department of  
> Energy national committees, including the Nuclear Energy Research  
> Advisory Committee, and the Chairman and Executive Director of the  
> Amarillo National Research Center.
> Honors and awards Dr. Klein has received include: Fellow of the  
> American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Nuclear  
> Society; the Joe J. King Professional Engineering Achievement  
> Award; Engineer of the Year for the State of Texas; the University  
> of Missouri Faculty-Alumni Award; and the University of Missouri  
> Honor Award for Distinguished Service in Engineering.
> A native of Missouri, Dr. Klein holds a bachelor's and master's  
> degree in mechanical engineering and a doctorate in nuclear  
> engineering, all from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He has  
> published more than 100 technical papers and reports, and co-edited  
> one book. He has made more than 300 presentations on energy and has  
> written numerous technical editorials on energy issues that have  
> been published in major newspapers throughout the United States.

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