[E&E seminars] Call for Applications - Post-doctoral CyI Fellows at MIT

Karen Gibson Kgibson at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 9 17:48:58 EDT 2007

Please share the attached call for applications with colleagues/ 
postdoctoral researchers who might be interested in this opportunity.


“Post-doctoral Cyprus Institute Fellows at MIT”

The Cyprus Institute (CyI) and the Massachusetts Institute of  
Technology (MIT) invite applications for Post-doctoral fellowships in  
the Cyprus Institute Program for Energy, Environment, and Water  
Resources (CEEW) at the MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment  
(LFEE) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Deadline: 31 May 2007

(See attached for details)

Karen  L. Gibson
MIT Laboratory For Energy and the Environment
77 Massachusetts Avenue, E40-469
Cambridge, MA 02139  USA
(1 Amherst St., E40-469, Cambridge MA 02142 - for DHL and FedEx)
Tel:  +1 617 258-6368; Fax:  +1 617 258-6590

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