[E&E seminars] Sloan Sustainability Speakers Series Breakfast Salon with Simon Zadek, Tuesday, April 10, 9-11 AM

kate parrot kparrot at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 6 16:19:57 EDT 2007

Space is limited! RSVP at: 
<http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=176313638929>Signup for 
Breakfast Salon with Simon Zadek

What: Breakfast Salon with Simon Zadek, Chief Executive of the 
UK-based AccountAbility

Simon is one of the leading big-picture global thinkers on corporate 
social responsibility and accountability. He will give an overview of 
his current and future work, and will leave plenty of time for a 
lively dialogue.

Continental breakfast will be provided.

When: Tuesday, April 10 from 9-11 AM

Where: E51-095

About the Sloan Sustainability Speakers Series: The Speakers Series 
hosts thought-leaders, practitioners, and innovators who address 
issues of environmental, social, and economic sustainability. A 
variety of engaging speakers participate in the Series with the 
intent of expanding our understanding of the nature, purpose, and 
impact of business in the twenty-first century.

About Simon Zadek: Simon is the Chief Executive of AccountAbility, a 
non-profit, membership organization established in 1995 to promote 
accountability innovations that advance responsible business 
practices, and the broader accountability of civil society and public 
organizations. Simon is currently a Senior Fellow at the Centre for 
Government and Business of Harvard University's Kennedy School, and a 
'Professor Extraordinaire' at the University of South Africa's Centre 
for Corporate Citizenship. He sits on the International Advisory 
Board of Instituto Ethos, the Advisory Board of Generation Investment 
Management, is a Member of the Clinton-Dalberg Task Force programme 
effectiveness in leveraging private enterprise for development. In 
2003 he was named one of the World Economic Forum's 'Global Leaders 
for Tomorrow'.

Simon's previous roles include Visiting Professor at the Copenhagen 
Business School, the Development Director of the New Economics 
Foundation, and founding Chair of the Ethical Trading Initiative. He 
has served on numerous Boards and Advisory Councils, including the 
State of the World's Commission for Globalisation, the ILO's World 
Commission on the Social Dimensions of Globalisation, the UN 
Commission for Social Development Expert Group on CSR, and the 
founding Steering Committee of the Global Reporting Initiative.

He has authored, co-authored, and co-edited numerous publications, 
including more recently Responsible Lobbying (2005), and two Harvard 
Working Papers on the role of multi-stakeholder partnerships in 
development and governance, Governing Partnership Governance (2006) 
and The Logic of Collaborative Governance (2005). He has written 
extensively on the impact of corporate responsibility on the 
competitiveness of nations Responsible Competitiveness (2005). His 
PhD thesis was published as The Economics of Utopia (1994), and 
published an anthology of his writings Tomorrow's History (2004). His 
book, The Civil Corporation: the New Economy of Corporate Citizenship 
(2001), has become a classic in the field, and has been recognised by 
the Academy of Management by being honoured as the Best Book Social 
Issues Award 2006.

Kate W. Parrot
PhD Candidate
Organization Studies Group
MIT Sloan School of Management

Cell (main #): 857-523-8234
Home: 617-623-3267
Email: kparrot at mit.edu
Skype: kateparrot
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