[E&E seminars] Fwd: Upcoming events with Vaclav Smil

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 6 15:45:02 EDT 2007

Some Harvard events that might be of interest -

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Sam Milton" <sam_milton at harvard.edu>
> Date: April 6, 2007 3:42:29 PM EDT
> To: <etip at ksg.harvard.edu>
> Subject: Upcoming events with Vaclav Smil
> There are two events with Vaclav Smil, Distinguished Professor at  
> the University of Manitoba next Thursday, April 12 that may be of  
> interest.
> 1)       Belfer Center Directors' Seminar on "Energy, Environment,  
> Economy and America's Future" 2:30-4:00PM at the Belfer Center  
> Library (L369), KSG.  RSVP REQUIRED!  Events open to Belfer Center  
> members and invited guests only. Others must apply directly to  
> Sarah Donahue for attendance,  sarah_donahue at ksg.harvard.edu. Be  
> sure to specify the event you will be attending. As space is  
> limited for this event, RSVPs will be accepted on a first come-  
> first served basis.  This event will be off-the-record.
> 2)       Public Lecture on “Transforming Energy Techniques” 5 PM at  
> Yenching Auditorium, 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge. Contact Jenny  
> MacGregor for more information,jenny_macgregor at harvard.edu,  
> 617-495-8883. This talk is free and open to the public. The Future  
> of Energy lecture series is sponsored by the Harvard University  
> Center for the Environment with generous support from Bank of America.
> Dr. Smil is currently the Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of  
> Environment at the University of Manitoba. He currently is a fellow  
> at the Royal Society of Canada (ScienceAcademy).  His  
> interdisciplinary research interests encompass a broad area of  
> energy, environmental, food, population, economic, and public  
> policy studies. Since the early 1970s, Dr. Smil has concentrated  
> his research on the effects of energy, food, and environmental on  
> China.
> Dr. Smil is the first non-American to receive the American  
> Association for the Advancement of Science's Award for Public  
> Understanding of Science and Technology.  He has testified and  
> briefed members of Congress and the White House, the US State  
> Department, and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs.  Dr.  
> Smil has lent his consulting expertise toAmerican Academy of Arts  
> and Sciences, the Center for Futures Research, East-West Center,  
> International Research and Development Center, Office of Technology  
> Assessment of the US Congress, OECD, Project 2050, the Rockefeller  
> Foundation, US Agency for International Development, US National  
> Academy of Sciences, the World Bank, and the World Resources  
> Institute.
> A prolific writer, Dr. Smil has authored over 300 papers on several  
> topic issues such as energy, the environment, and Asian studies.   
> He has been published in multiple science periodicals such as the  
> American Scientist, World Development, Scientific American and the  
> Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.  Over the years, Dr. Smil has  
> authored 25 books including most recently, "Transforming the 20th  
> Century," "Energy: A Beginner's Guide," "Energy in Nature and  
> Society: General Energetics of Complex Systems," and "Global  
> Catastrophes and Trends: The Next 50 Years."
> Dr. Smil studied in an interdisciplinary program at the Faculty of  
> Natural Sciences of Carolinum University in Prague (RNDr) and  
> received his PhD. at Pennsylvania State University.

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