[E&E seminars] Fwd: ETIP Seminars

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 29 13:02:06 EDT 2006


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Sam Milton" <sam_milton at harvard.edu>
> Date: September 25, 2006 4:11:09 PM EDT
> To: "'Sam Milton'" <sam_milton at harvard.edu>
> Subject: ETIP Seminar news: Event on Tuesday 9/26/06 postponed;  
> Innovation in Transportation Seminar Series location determined
> There are two announcements regarding the ETIP Seminar events.
> One, the seminar by Abbas Maleki on "Energy in the Caspian Basin"  
> originally scheduled for Tuesday, September 26, 2006 has been  
> postponed.  We will send information regarding a new date for the  
> seminar as soon as possible.
> Two, the ETIP Innovation in Transportation Seminar Series will be  
> held in the conference room at the Carr Center for Human Rights  
> Policy.  The Carr Center is located on the second floor of the  
> Rubenstein Building at the JFK School of Government.  These brown  
> bag seminars will take place from 12-1:30 PM.
> As a reminder, the scheduled seminars in the Innovation in  
> Transportation Seminar Series are:
> Lee Lynd
> Professor of Engineering and Adjunct Professor of Biology,  
> Dartmouth College
> Biomass-Derived Transportation Fuels to Meet Sustainability and  
> Security Objectives
> October 26, 2006
> John DeCicco
> Senior Fellow, Environmental Defense
> Automotive Product Strategies and Carbon Burdens
> November 30, 2006
> Mark Proegler
> Director of Emissions Markets, BP Group
> Making Emissions Trading Work for Transportation
> December 14, 2006
> Both the Innovation in Transportation Seminar Series and the  
> regular ETIP Seminar Series are open to the public.
> Please Note: These seminars are subject to change.  For more  
> information, please visit the ETIP website at http:// 
> bcsia.ksg.harvard.edu/energy, or contact me at sam_milton at harvard.edu
> Sam Milton
> _______________________________________________
> Sam Milton, MALD
> Project Coordinator, Energy Technology Innovation Project
> Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs
> Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
> 79 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
> (617) 496-5584 phone, (617) 495-8963 fax
> http://bcsia.ksg.harvard.edu/energy

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