[Env seminars] BP Infosession (MIT Energy Club): TOMORROW, Thurs, 9/21, 5-6PM, 4-370

David Thomas Danielson dtdaniel at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 20 13:51:21 EDT 2006

Dear MIT Energy and Environment Community,

The MIT Energy Club is hosting a "BP Infosession" tomorrow, by Dr. Andrew
Cockerill, Director of Capabilities, BP Group Technology.

Dr. Cockerill will share a bit about the company and career opportunities at BP
and we will have an open Q&A session with him. All are welcome. Food will be


BP Infosession
Thurs, 9/21, 5-6PM

Directly following the Infosession, interested students will have the
opportunity to chat informally with Dr. Cockerill at the R&D Pub from 6-7PM.


Dave Danielson
Founder, MIT Energy Club

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