[E&E seminars] SfGS Seeking Projects and Ideas

Kathreen Thome kethome at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 28 00:16:41 EST 2006




You + project/idea + MIT community + MIT administrators= gift certificates +
awards + funds 


EcoExpo: MIT's Sustainability Exhibition

Friday, 8 December 2006

2:30-4:30pm Stata Center TSMC lobby


Where you will present a poster, prototype, or interactive display in one of
two categories:

1.  Research projects that you have conducted AND/OR service campaigns that
you have implemented on local or more regional scales 
2.  Ideas for local projects that you would like to execute or continue

To become a part of eeco please visit http://web.mit.edu/sfgs to submit your
proposal by Friday December 1, 2006


Contest is open to all MIT undergraduate and graduate students


Sponsored by SfGS (Students for Global Sustainability)





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